
David Rives wife / David Rives Married

David’s website HERE and Facebook HERE gives the history of David Rives Ministries but we cannot find his age anywhere on the web. He looks very young in most of the photos online.

We have seen photos of him with celebrities like Dr. Ben Carson, Dr. Paul Crouch, Donald Trump, Jr., Bill Gaither, Sarah Palin, and Dr. James Dobson. In addition, photos all over the web show him with basically every influential PhD scientist imaginable.

His short YouTube videos (HERE) show that he is an intellectual who studies the Bible and also has an interest in Biology, Astronomy, and Physics.

As of 2021, nothing indicates he is married or has a wife, but there are tons of rumors that he dated Jenna Ellis (a lawyer and attorney famous for calling President Trump an unethical dirtbag before going to work for his campaign) in 2019 before a breakup in mid-2019.


David Rives Beliefs Church Denomination Trinity Broadcasting

David Rives Ministries advertises itself as a non-denominational organization. They teach that people are saved by grace through faith in Jesus Christ. In his TV show, David preaches the same thing. His show airs on the “Trinity Broadcasting Network” and he is always discussing his ideas that we are made in God’s image (and therefore somehow special compared to animals), and that Jesus existed as God before He became “flesh.” In fact, Rives teaches that Jesus was actually the part of the “Godhead” that created the whole Universe.

He is also on tv saying that the Holy Spirit can come into people when they receive Christ to empower them and lead them.

It is stated that he speaks in churches of all denominations many Sundays and also attends a local church when he is not on a speaking tour. He says that he also rests on the seventh day of the week, and claims that the seventh day was blessed by God during the Creation of the Universe.

He has claimed that he will speak and teach the gospel to anyone who will let him, including different denominations and even unbelievers!


David Rives’ Father, Richard Rives

David’s father, Richard is apparently a historian who has researched the early church at the time of Jesus and beyond. Apparently, Richard believes that the Ten Commandments including “Do Not Murder” and “Have No Other Gods Before Me” and “Remember the Sabbath” and “Don’t Make Graven Images” are still important things for believers today.

He appears to be a Christian who has spoken at many different churches on Bible history.

Richard is on record saying:

“Throughout the ages, many have decided what they want or need Christianity to be, and have been so bold as to suppose that it will yield to their desires… While “talking the talk,” they redefine Biblical Christianity to accommodate their own needs failing to recognize that true faith, as outlined in scripture, and as practiced by first century believers, is more than the recitation of Christian phraseology. It is walking the walk.”

He seems to reprove people who worship idols and false gods, claiming that it cannot be considered “Biblical Christianity”.

Richard Rives, as a historian, has written several books that show the history of early Christianity.

While David Rives doesn’t speak about the same topic, he has not said that he disagrees with the above teaching.


David Rives age

David’s Facebook page HERE and Website HERE both show photos of David Rives but none give his age. We can’t find any reference to how old is David Rives. He apparently isn’t very old and yet has a global ministry teaching the Gospel and looking at Apologetics and the Bible.

His website says that the non-profit 501c3 ministry he is the president of was formed in 2007 along with his brother, Murry Rives.

His weekly TV show on TBN began in 2014, not long after his first book was published in 2012.

Their TV network, Genesis Science Network was formed in 2015. Based on his accomplishments, one would say he is middle-aged, but based on past pictures, as of 2021, he appears younger.


David Rives Hebrew Roots

David Rives is a conservative Christian who has taught for years that everyone on earth is a descendent of Noah and his family, and that God blessed “Israel,” read about in the Old Testament Bible.

He doesn’t appear to have any connection to Hebrew Roots or Messianic’s, other than he has apparently spoken at several conferences in the past which were put on by people who believe the same, and who study the Hebraic Roots of Christianity. These people state the fact that Jesus was a Jew, and accept that He is Divinely God in the flesh and believe that Jesus is the Messiah or Savior sent to save both Jews and Gentiles. Many of these groups call themselves “Messianic” or other titles.